Category Archives: Linnea

4 years

Where did the time go?

4 years are a long time, and a short time too. On the one hand I can’t understand that we have been parents for 4 years on the other hand, hasn’t Linnea been with us always?

Every year I look back to make a photo movie, and I’m amazed how much Linnea is developing, intellectual, social and in any other way.

Some of the biggest events this year has been:

  • Loosing 2 teeth
  • Got her ears pierced
  • Being on holiday in Denmark in grandma’s summerhouse without mom and dad
  • Riding a camel in a circus
  • Being on holiday to Greece
Normally we would have taken the day off today, but I’m at a new job and it’s important to be there because I want to stay there more than the 3 months I was promised. So on Saturday we will celebrate our 4th family day and our 10th wedding anniversary (Thursday) with my mother, one of Linneas best friend and her family. First we’re going bowling and then we’ll eat at an Asian restaurant.
Tonight she’ll get her present!
Well no more “talking” now, here comes the 2011 video with music is “My wish” by Rascall Flats. Enjoy!
Download/watch the video here if you can’t see it on YouTube!

Happy birthday

Today our little princess turns 4 years! Oh boy time runs so fast! It seems like we just returned from China and on the same time like we always have had this wonderful girl in our lives!

In a few moments she will wake up to get presents and today she will bring icecream with her to kinder garden.

She all ready had her princess party the day before yesterday and on thursday grandmom is comming. On friday grandmom and grandad is arriving and on sathurday my brothers and their families.

Sometimes it is hard to understand that this fun and caring girl became our daughter. But she did and we Love her so much!

Happy birthday Linnea!!!!

2 Years to day!

2 years ago we were in China thinking we had made our whorst mistake to take a little girl away from everything she’d ever known!

To day we know it was the best thing we ever did!

2 years is a lifetime for Linnea, but only a small part of our lives!

Finally it feels like we’re in the right place, we are the family we want to be!

To day all 3 of us are a solid unit, like we have been together forever! Even though we sometimes forget Linneas origin we’ll always have China in our hearts!

We will never be able to understand how it could be so right, but we are forever greatfull for having her in our lives!

Never for a minute do we believe that we could have done it better our self, never a minut of sorrow for not having a new born baby and never do we wish to get a biological child! We are so happy now! After years of sorrow and despair, joy and fustration we are now at the desitnation we set off for in July 1998. I has been a long trip but to day looking at Linnea it was all worth while!

We have celebrated the day with presents for Linnea: New clothes and a keybord. I have had it for a long time, and I’ve seen Linnea look at childrens keybords in the shops. So today she got it!

We also went to the cinema in Hässleholm to see Curious George and we ate at a Chinese restaurant.

Photos from to day:



She was so happy that she started to dance…..  If you can’t see it on Youtube – download it here, 32 Mb






I have made a small film to selebrate this day. If you can’t watch it here, you can download it here. (85 Mb)

Princess Linnea posing

Linnea’s mom loves to take photos of her so normally she hides her face or turn her back  to the camera!!! But sometimes she actually wants to pose for the camera! So here I present you with a large photo of my China Princess in her princess dress. The photos are taken 2009 August 20.


Why? Why? Why?

A question we hear 1000 times a day! Everything we say is questioned by Linnea with a why?

And we explain… and she says: Why?
Sometime she comes with more than just why?

For example:

Why are you my mother?

Dad and I wantet a gril – a Chinese girl!
Becaus I couldn’t have a baby in my stomac but instead we could have you!

Why was I in your stomac?

You were in you China-moms stomac.
Because all children start their lives in a moms stomac.

Why didn’t I drink milk from your brests?

I could not get any milk in my brests.
It didn’t work.
I don’t know. But when we got you in China you didn’t want milk, you wanted water or tee. You were no a baby.

Why are you married?

We are married because we love each other.
Why is no all marries? (Linnea language – sometimes she misses words or how it ends!)
You don’t have to – but we had to other wise we couldn’t adopt, so we had to be married to get you!
I would have been sad Linnea answers!
We would have been sad to! We wanted you! I said!

One day Linnea was a little sad and mumbled something about Mormor (my mother) and I asked her: Do you miss mormor? YES.
And a little after – like she was thinking: I just love her! Then we picked up the phone and rang mormor in Denmark!

Our little prinsess is a very caring little person! And she thinks a lot! She often says: I’m glad! or I love my kinder garden!

The other day at kinder garden she said: I was in the stomac in China then mom and dad came for me!

What a miracle that we got her! Our Linnea Sunxue Erika Sömberg 🙂

In the photo from left:

Linnea & Elin her friend from Swizerland, Linnea reading her small books out on the deck, Linnea & Mormor, Linnea & Mathilda at Kinder garden.


A best friend!

Linnea has now been in daycare for 4,5 months and she loves it! To day (Sunday) she wanted to go too! The kinder garden is divided into 3 groups: The bumble bee – Linneas group with 1-3 years old children. The ant also 1-3 years and The little snail: 3-6 years old children. They interact a lot so every one knows each other.

One of the girls in Linneas group has a brother in the older childrens group and one day when their mother drove home with the children, the boy talks about all his friend and whom his best friend is. Suddenly Mathilda says: My best friend is Linnea! She turning 3 years in June and she makes my heart sing!!!!

Now these two little girls (one very blond like most Swedish children and one black haired girl) goes around saying “your my best friend” all the time!

This is so cute! They talk together, run and play together and smiles when ever they meet! And gets sad when if the other is sick and doesn’t come to the kinder garden!

What more can a mother wish for?

PS New photos in the gallery – here!

Films & Photos

Finally I put my self together and made an update, mostly because of the christmas films and photos…… since I’m in a hurry I’ll only write in English!

The Gallery has bee uppdated with the following albums:

Lucia at Linneas Kindergarden

A visit to Abbekås and good friends Bo & Agneta (We lived there from 1999-2002)

Christmas 2008

The films are not of best quality – a little dark, but ok!

The films are

Linnea and Mormor playing in Abbekås. Linnea had all her jewelery with her!

Christmas evening, Linnea opening the presents. This year it really was fun! She loved it. She got clothes for her doll, the doll for the clothes and a house with small dolls:

Film 1

Film 2

Film 3

The Top Image has been changed to a view of Abbekås habour i december 2008.

We hope you had a wonderfull christmas and a great new years evening! We wish you all the best for 2009!


With in the small sphere in our life, we can stare in to the past, but only our future is with in our control!

A thought for the year 2009.

ONE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!

Ett år har gått! Ett HELT år! Vart tog det vägen?

Här om dagen tänket jag att om jag skulle beskriva året med ett ända ord vad skulle det då vara?

Glädjen äntligen att ha blivit mamma!
Glädjen att ha fått min kinesiska dotter!
Glädjen över att känna två små armar runt halsen!
Glädjen att ha det JUST var Linnea!

Då verkar dom svåra timmar och dagar långt borta! Visst dom var där då, men nu är det ju nu!

Jag pratade med en kompis om vår senaste resa till Spanien och försökte komma fram till när vi var där:
Sommaren 2006 – sa jag och rättade mig själv i samma ögonblicket! Nej inte 2006 det var ju då vi skickade papren
till Kina och semestrade i bilen vid Göta Kanal!
Då måste det ha varit i 2007!!!!! Men då hade vi ju Linnea……
Åhhh på sommaren 2007 var vi i Spanien och på hösten i Kina….. det hade jag glömt!

Jag kommer inte ihåg hur mina morgonar så ut innan Linnea! Men jeg vet jag hade mer tid att pyssla, att jag fått ändra lite på mina vanor men å andra sidan ser jag verkligen fram emot att Linnea vill pyssla med mig!

Jag har gjort ett PowerPoint show om Linneas första år hemma – tiden som gått kan inte beskrivas i ord knapt heller i bild, men kanske denna kombination kan visa lite av allt vi fått och upplevt tack vara Linnea! Vårt MIRAKEL!

Power Point 48 MB (OBS engelsk text!)

Jag har även gjort en sida här på bloggen med utdrag ifrån hela Kinaresan, såååå otroligt att läsa allt nu efter ett år! Som det var i går och ändå inte! Vår flicka är STOR nu. Klicka här.

A year has passed! A whole year! Where did it go?

The other day I thought if I were to describe the year with only one word, what would it be?

The joy at last to have becom Mom!
The joy to have received my Chinese daughter!
The joy of feeling two small arms around my neck!
The joy of getting Linnea!

Then the difficult hours and days seems long gone! Sure they were there then, but now it is now!

I talked with a friend about our recent trip to Spain and tried to come to when we were there:
Summer 2006 – I said and and changed my mind at that moment! No, not in 2006, that was when we sent our papers to China and had the vacation in the car at Göta Channel!
Then, it must have been in the 2007 !!!!! But at that time we had Linnea ……
Ahhh in the summer of 2007, we were in Spain and in the autumn in China ….. I had forgotten!

I have forgotten how my morning were before Linnea! But I know I had more time to do my hobbies and that I haved changede a little in my habits, but on the other hand, I look forward to Linnea wants work with me in my room!

I have done a PowerPoint show of Linnea first year at home – the time that has passed can not be described in words hardly in pictures, but perhaps this combination can show a little of everything we had and has experienced thanks to Linnea! Our MIRACLE!

Power Point 48 MB

I have also made a page with cuts from this blog: The trip to China. It’s an amazing little girl we got!

I’m sorry that the whole trip is in Swedish but now you can read peases of it! Click here!

Dagis / Day care!

I dag var det dagen D – D för Dagis! Äntligen fick Linnea komma på besök och det tillsammans med Pappa!

Linnea sprang in och lekte, tyckte om att det fanns andra barn och var bara lite trist en gång: När dom skulle gå hem! Nu ser hon fram emot fredag då hon och jag ska få gå på ännu ett besök. Nästa vecka är det fotografering och då ska Linnea vara med så då får mormor följa med!

SEN börjar det på riktigt! Måndag den 3/11 börjar inskolningen! (Jag återkommer!) Kolla in korten av vår STORA snart dagis flicka!

To day Linnea finally got to visit kinder garden together with Dad! She has waited so long! She loved to play there and with the other children. Totally there is about 40 children in 3 groups. Linnea will be the oldest in her group.

On friday Linnea and I will go on a second visit and next week they have the cildrens photos taken so Linnea will take mormor (My mother) along.

Then on monday the 3rd it begins for real. She will go with Dad and graduadly he will stay away longer and longer. Already to day she forgot he was there, she just ran off and played!

Take a look at her here: Our BIG girl!

Looking at the technic stuf, and running around to check all the toys!