All posts by Mette

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Today is an odd day… last day at my summer job and I have to say good bye to a lot of people and things. It is also the day that we got our LOA = the last paper from China saying we were allowed to adopt Linnea – 4 years have passed since that happy day!

Now we need to pack for our first trip to Copenhagen this weekend. On Saturday morning we’ll drive to my mother and we’ll have a lot to prepare for her party on Sunday.

I’ll also visit my old friend Fatima, who gave birth to a little girl in April. That I really look forward to.

On Sunday morning we’ll wake up my mother with a lot of presents and then all her friends and our family will come for brunch at 11 am.

After my mothers party it will be time to pack for Crete! That will be next week – this week focus is on my mother – the best in the world!

Next Stop Greece

In one month and 1 day we’re leaving for Greece! And we can’t wait! My mom it turning 70 on the 4th of Sepetember and she has invited us to Crete.This will be my 5th time to Greece. I’ve been to Samos when I was 5, Thassos at 17, Crete at 19 and Kos at 28. The fun part with Crete is that almost on date I will be back in the same village – 20 years later! We arrive in Chania on the 10th, 20 years ago it was the 12th. We will stay in Platanias, then a tiny little village now much bigger of what I can see on the internet!

Then back in 1991, we had one little photo of the hotel in the traveling agencys catalog. And we phoned in our order.

A Sunday in January this year we all sat and surfed the internet, looked at loads of photos and finally found THE ONE!
We are traveling with Apollo, and we have booked a 3 room masionnet at Proimos Masionnettes. It’s a small place, only 12 maisonnetes and ours is the only one with 2 bedrooms.

For the first time I will be swimming in a Greek pool and the hotel is only 100 m from the beach.

We have rented a car that will be waiting for us in the airport so we can go every where we want. Today with the internet we can plan the whole trip ahead. Book the car from home, email with the hotel ovner Constantinos who has a son age 5. We can ask questions on Facebook, look at photos from the hotel on their homepage. It’s so fun planing!

We have loads to see and we will be in the pool or the beach alot! My plan is to use this blog as our taveling dairy since we have free internet on the hotel!

But first a taste of Greece, click on the photos to enlarge them!

Happy Familyday!

I just can’t believe it’s 3 years since we were in China!!! Time flies and our little scared girl is now a big brave girl – a good combination of a princess and a pirate!

Today we plan to stay at home since Tindra still can’t be alone. So we planned a movieday and lucky for that, cause Linnea got a fever last night and didn’t sleep that well during the night!
She still got the fever but looks forward to eat popcorn, candy, icecream etc!!!

As always I’ve made a video with photos from  the year that’s gone, and I hope you like it!

If you can’t watch it here you can download the movie here.


Tindra means Twinkle in Swedish, and on the 9th of October Tindra moved in with us. She’s now 13 weeks old, 9 kg “heavy” and a mix of Border Collie and Belgian sheepdog. She is very quick to learn new things, loves to cuddle and loves to play with Linnea.

But she’s also a puppy that has so much to learn! And I’m sure she will! She’s afraid of all new things but is quite easy to calm down again. But I’m sure you’d rather see pictures of her than read a lot of text, so here she comes. Click to enlarge!

What now?

Well, I’m in between jobs at the moment 😉 and I have applyed for some jobs, met with a coach, I resieve emails from jobsites where I made a search profile! I also attended a meeting about starting my own business and my mind is spinning!

The thought of an own company has resulted in my own little shop on the internet where I will try to sell my handmade jewelry and small paintings. I actually have sold one painting 😉 and I’m far from done with the site. I need to take good pictures of the jewelry to show them on the site, so please have som patience with me there!

In a few minutes I will post an application for a job in Helsingborg, not about automation, but about the Internet! This is certainly a job for me! Updating homepages and writing for the internet, that’s me in a nutschell! So wish med luck!

Well our summer has been all about renovation in the kitchen and painting the house outside. The kitchen we did our selfs, but the painting was too big a job so we hired a company to do it, I must say it looks good!  They are almost done!

That leaves us with a clean up task – windows have been emptied and some need new curtains. The conservatorie has also been painted and I would like to redecorate everything there.

Well I could write so much more but I need to get ready to pick up Linnea at her kindergarden in half an hour. We’re driving to town this afternoon to visit my old school and say hallo to a friend and a teacher.

Have a nice day!


Over a period of time I have got a lot of criticism for the way I live, eat, raise and feed my daughter. All on facebook and all by one family (3 adults with 3 biological children).  As of today the friendship is over and I sit here with an odd feeling of relief and sadness.  I have know 2 of these people for 12 years or so.

I have suspected that it would end one day since our talk about infertility back in the beginning  of 2007. Hans and I had our papers in China, and I was “pregnant” (adoption language) with our Chinese child.

Our friends asked if there were any chance for us to have a biological child, and we said no. Then he said: “But if you did, miracles happens, the you could say Fuck You! to the Chinese!”

And I answered: “NO! I would be very sad if I became pregnant now! I would mourn my Chinese child I never would have!”

He didn’t understand that and I said: “Then you value bio-children higher than adopted children!” and he answered: “Yes I do!”

That day I promised my self that if anything from him or his family showed me that they had something against my child I would end the friendship.

When we finally knew who we had been waiting for for so many years, they didn’t bother to comment on my power point show I mailed to our friends and family. When we finally talked on the phone and I said that Hans was going to be a father he asked if I was pregnant? So I asked if he hadn’t seen the power point? And his comment was – “ohh Yes she’s sweet.”

Now Linnea is here and is our daughter, and this family keeps coming back with negative comments on my behavior with words about that it’s bad for Linnea. They have been rude, coming with small hints like “if I had had a baby…… I would know” etc. Always Linnea is mentioned Enough is enough.

I don’t need them in my life and wouldn’t call it friendship. And I surely don’t want Linnea to grow up around such people.

I probably should have ended it long ago, but I thought that meeting our daughter and seeing us with her would change them, but no and now I give up on them. May they live happy in their world!

I will cherish my real friends so much more. I have met so many wonderful people all over the world and I will keep you in my heart!



Remembering the days when it was just you and me
Remembering when you without a doubt accepted the man of my life, like you knew he was the one
Remembering how you slowly accepted Valde as a member of our family
Remembering you moving to Sweden – Getting so brave and protected you home.
Remembering you making an exception by accepting a child, Linnea, in our family
Remembering you missing Valde when he did not come home
Remembering you, Ofelia, my friend
Always and forever


Ofelia our cat: 1993-09-24 — 2010-04-26


Happy birthday

Today our little princess turns 4 years! Oh boy time runs so fast! It seems like we just returned from China and on the same time like we always have had this wonderful girl in our lives!

In a few moments she will wake up to get presents and today she will bring icecream with her to kinder garden.

She all ready had her princess party the day before yesterday and on thursday grandmom is comming. On friday grandmom and grandad is arriving and on sathurday my brothers and their families.

Sometimes it is hard to understand that this fun and caring girl became our daughter. But she did and we Love her so much!

Happy birthday Linnea!!!!

A new family member?

Since we lost our dear Valde we have been wondering if we should buy a new dog.

We have got a extremely nice offer from our friends who are going to buy a Shetland Sheepdog late this summer: They want to take care of a new dog while we’re at work.

So we have thought about buying a Sheltie too, but have now reach the conclution that we want a Golden Retriever again!

But we will wait till we know more about my job situation.

So our new family member, who move in today is a small rabbit! His name is Kalle!

Linnea had no clue and her first question was if he should live here!

He is born 2010-01-09, is all gray and very cute! Linnea is very proud that she now has a rabbit!

I have problems with photos here on the blog so check this link