All posts by Mette

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NEW layout!

Finally I got around to change the layout of the blog!

I hope you like it – please feel free to coment. The top images are my own photos and now they change when you klick on a new page! From time to time I’ll change them.

I’ll probably be back with small adjustment! Just wait and see!

Take care!

Love Mette

New photos & films

I’ve uploade new photos and films

Linnea went with me too school and to a bowlinggame. Photos are here

Linneas birthday


Film 1 (On Sathurday 28th we had a party for both Linnea and me in the morning and also in the afternoon.)

Film 2 (28th)

Film 3 (29th is Linneas birthday so we had one more party in the morning)

Film 4 (and one party with friends from kinder garden in the afternoon.)

On the 5th of April we went to Cirkus Olympia, here you can see the photos.

During our Easter holiday we went to Denmark for a couple of days! Photos are here

Friends visiting from Denmark 2 days ago. Photos are here

10 years to day!

10 tears ago to day, we had our whole life in boxes and had invited alot of friends and family to breakfast at 7 o’clock in the morning. Then the hard work started! When the truck was full we left Copenhagen with destination Abbekås, Sweden!

We stayed for 3,5 years in Abbekås, then we moved 130 km north to where we live now! And times fly now we been here for 6,5 years!

We’ll stay in Sweden, and now with Linnea we’ll have to think twice before moving again! We love being Swedish but we’ll always be Danish too, like Linnea at kinder garden: She is not seen as a Chinese girl, but a Danish one!


We also love our house – a former home for elderly poor people build in 1916 – it has so much history! You can see pictures here!

A best friend!

Linnea has now been in daycare for 4,5 months and she loves it! To day (Sunday) she wanted to go too! The kinder garden is divided into 3 groups: The bumble bee – Linneas group with 1-3 years old children. The ant also 1-3 years and The little snail: 3-6 years old children. They interact a lot so every one knows each other.

One of the girls in Linneas group has a brother in the older childrens group and one day when their mother drove home with the children, the boy talks about all his friend and whom his best friend is. Suddenly Mathilda says: My best friend is Linnea! She turning 3 years in June and she makes my heart sing!!!!

Now these two little girls (one very blond like most Swedish children and one black haired girl) goes around saying “your my best friend” all the time!

This is so cute! They talk together, run and play together and smiles when ever they meet! And gets sad when if the other is sick and doesn’t come to the kinder garden!

What more can a mother wish for?

PS New photos in the gallery – here!

This is fun!

I just love to make new friends all over the world, but the best is to meet them!

And that is what’s going to happen! In May Doris, Oleg & Little Elin will come to Copenhagen and they will bring Alexandra, Olegs mother who I last met in Gomel, Belarus in 1993!!!! It is 4 years since we met with Oleg & Doris (pregnant with Elin) here in our home. Unfortunately haven’t we been in Switzerland since 2002! I really look forward to meet them and for the first time our children and mothers too!

In June we have a visit from “down under” – Australia! David & Sharon will come here!!!! I’m not sure when we last met in Copenhagen but it was before Hans (11 years!)  They will bring the children Alex & Nik with them for the first time. Davids father emigrated from Denmark to Australia. He and my father were friends!
The first time David and I met we were children and I couldn’t speak English…. I really look forward to welcome them in our home!

In July our new friends from The Netherlands (Holland) will visit Sweden and us! They have 2 Chinese children. Jet and I met on a Yahoo group for families with children from Nanning! This is just so fantastic! I can’t say how much I like this meeting new people from all over the world!

I have also been in contact with a French family with a Chinese girl and ofcourse the Wagner family in the states, our Chinese family in Nanning and Grand ma Brenda in Scotland!! When I dream about winning loads of money (gamling? – which we never do) I dream of traveling around the world to meet you all! I want Linnea to be a citizen of the world! (but never move away from her mother!!!!)

Films & Photos

Finally I put my self together and made an update, mostly because of the christmas films and photos…… since I’m in a hurry I’ll only write in English!

The Gallery has bee uppdated with the following albums:

Lucia at Linneas Kindergarden

A visit to Abbekås and good friends Bo & Agneta (We lived there from 1999-2002)

Christmas 2008

The films are not of best quality – a little dark, but ok!

The films are

Linnea and Mormor playing in Abbekås. Linnea had all her jewelery with her!

Christmas evening, Linnea opening the presents. This year it really was fun! She loved it. She got clothes for her doll, the doll for the clothes and a house with small dolls:

Film 1

Film 2

Film 3

The Top Image has been changed to a view of Abbekås habour i december 2008.

We hope you had a wonderfull christmas and a great new years evening! We wish you all the best for 2009!


With in the small sphere in our life, we can stare in to the past, but only our future is with in our control!

A thought for the year 2009.

Utbildningen / The education

Jag är nöjd med mina betyg (karaktere)…… jag fick nyss den sista!

För mina läsare i DK måste jag nog förklara lite om betygen:

Vi har bara 3 stycken:

  • IG = Inte Godkännt
  • G = Godkännt
  • VG = Väl godkännt

Sedan får man poäng när man gör en tenta (ekame), man måste nå en viss gräns för att få de olika betygen.

Vi måste ha G för att bestå ämnet.


Mattematik: 2 tentor begge gav VG då får jag ett samlat beryg med VG

Ekonomi: Tenta och projektarbeta. Min tenta gav 56 poäng (55 var gräsen för VG) och projektarbetet som jag gjorde med en klasskompis var bra så samlat betyg blev VG

PLC grund: Två uppgifter, klarade man en = G och begga = VG. Jag fick G

Elprocad (Ritprogram/tegneprogram): 2 uppgifter även här. Jag klarade av 1 och fick G

Ellära (1/3 av ämnet elteknik): 2 tentor, G på båda. Total poäng 52. VG börjar vid 60. Nästa år ska jag har en annan lärare i dom 2/3 som är kvar. Sedan sätter dom 2 lärarna ett gemensamt samlat betyg. Då jag liggarså nära VG gränsen kan jag få VG om jag gör bra ifrån mig nästa år!

I am very satisfied with my grades…… I’ve just got the last one…..

For my readers abroard, I have to explain a little about the grades system here:

We have only 3 grades

  • IG = Not approved
  • G = Approved
  • VG = Well (done) approved

Then we get points at an exam, we must reach a certain limit to get the various grades.

We must have the G to get approved.

So ….

Arithmetic: 2 exams both gave VG Then I get a total of VG

Economy: Exam and project work. My exam gave 56 points (55 is limit for VG) and project work as I did with classmates was good so my overall grade was VG

PLC basis: Two tasks, done one = G and both = VG. I got G

Elprocad (Drawing programm): 2 tasks here also. I passed one and received G

Electricity (1/3 of the course electrical engineering): 2 exams, G on both. Total score 52. VG starts at 60. Next year, I have another teacher of the 2/3 that is left.
Then the 2 teachers together make a single rating. Then I’m close to the limit for VG, VG is possible if I do good me next year!

Tänd ett ljus / Light a candle

En mycket fin julsång som jag bara måste dela med mig!
Klicka och lyssna....
Triads' Tänd ett ljus.....

dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom
dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom (x3)

Tänd ett ljus och låt det brinna
låt aldrig hoppet försvinna det är mörkt nu
men det blir ljusare igen

Tänd ett ljus för allt du tror på
för den här planeten vi bor på
tänd ett ljus för jordens barn

dom dom dom.......

Jag såg en stjärna falla
det var inatt när alla sov
jag tror jag önskade
att du var nära

för en minut sen brann den
för en sekund sen försvann den
det var det bara jag som såg

på radion sjöng dom om fred på jorden
jag ville tro dom slitna orden

dom dom dom.....

Tänd ett ljus och låt det brinna
låt aldrig hoppet försvinna
det är mörkt nu
men det blir ljusare igen

Tänd ett ljus för allt du tror på
för den här planeten vi bor på
tänd ett ljus för jordens barn

dom dom dom....

Jag fick ett kort från Windhem
jag visste inte var det låg
jag såg på kartan
du är på andra sidan jorden

men det är samma himmel
det är samma hav och stjärnan som jag såg

föll för alltid som vi drömmer
föll för att vi aldrig glömmer

dom dom dom...

tänd ett ljus och låt det brinna
låt aldrig hoppet försvinna det är mörkt nu
men det blir ljusare igen

Tänd ett ljus för allt du tror på
för den här planeten vi bor på
tänd ett ljus för jordens barn

dom dom dom...

God jul och gott nytt år

lova var rädd om dig själv
en hälsning du får

tänd ett ljus och låt det brinna
låt aldrig hoppet försvinna det är mörkt nu
men det blir ljusare igen

tänd ett ljus för allt du tror på
för den här planeten vi bor på
tänd ett ljus för jordens barn

åååh tänd ett ljus för jordens barn
tänd ett ljus för jordens barn

Mitt ljus brinner för er alla!
This is one of my favorite Christmas songs in Swedish..... here comes a translation of the text. Triads' lit a candle..... dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom Lit the candle and let it burn Never let the hope get lost, it's dark now but it becomes brighter again Lit a light for everything you believe in for this planet we live on lit a candle for the children of the earth dom dom dom..... I saw a star fall it was in the night when everyone was asleep I think I wanted you were close a minute later it burned a second then disappeared it was just me who saw on the radio, they sang about peace on earth I wanted to believe them worn out words dom dom dom..... Lit the candle and let it burn Never let the hope get lost, it's dark now but it becomes brighter again Lit a light for everything you believe in for this planet we live on lit a candle for the children of the earth dom dom dom..... I got a card from Windhem I did not know where it was I looked on the map you're on the other side of the earth but it is the same sky it is the same sea and the star that I saw fell forever as we dream fell so that we never forget dom dom dom..... Lit the candle and let it burn Never let the hope get lost, it's dark now but it becomes brighter again Lit a light for everything you believe in for this planet we live on lit a candle for the children of the earth dom dom dom..... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year promise to take care of yourself a greeting you get Lit the candle and let it burn Never let the hope get lost, it's dark now but it becomes brighter again Lit a light for everything you believe in for this planet we live on lit a candle for the children of the earth Aaah lit a candle for the children of the earth lit a candle for the children of the earth By Triad

I’ve lit my candle for all of you!