We have a cat named Ofelia, she is born i Denmark 1993. She mostly stays inside the house, but likes to sit on the stairs outside to get fresh air. Ofelia never like guest, she’s hiding and wont come out untill they are gone! It took 6 month for her to let Linnea come close enough to touch her!
Valde was our dog. He was born in Denmark on the 18th of June 1998 and died on the 3rd of January 2010.
He died as he lived! He was the best dog you could ever wish to have. He was kind, loving and helpful! He was always happy and tryed to make us happy too when we were sad!
On the night on December the 3ost he ran away (like he had done a million timens when he smelled a female dog), but he was with my inlaws and couldn’t find his way home.
He was found after more than 50 hours in a small forrest 8-9 km from my inlaws home, he was frosen and weak. They took him to the vet who gave him warm food and liquid and bedded him in blankets.
When the vet look to him in the night hed looked at her and was warm. But when she came back to him in the morning he was dead.
Valde was with my inlaws because we were on holiday in Spain. It was very hard for us to know we were comming home to a house with our Valde and to accept that we’ll never be able to touch or hug him again!
But we have so many fine memories about him! We didn’t choose him i 1998, we looked down on 8 puppets knowing only 3 were left for sale. One jumped higher than the others and Hans lifted it up. The little puppy cuddled directly in his arms. The owner came and told us that this one was the one they called “The little fine man” and he was for sale! He became Valde!
We will remenber how helpful he was, bringing us stuff both when we asked him to be mail man with small notes he would bring between Hans and me when one of us were upstairs and the other downstairs. But also when we were renovating and he would pick up all kinds of small pices and bring them to us all the time!
He was a very kind dog loving hugs and cuddling with us, in the bed, in the sofas or just being there we were! He was not barging a lot and he loved children. He was good with Linnea and she liked him a lot!
He was our first dog – both for Hans and me! We brought him home on the 14th of August 1998, when we had been a couple for 3 months and he was only 8 weeks old!
He was the best and he will be desprately missed by the whole family and many friend!
More photos of Ofelia and Valde click here