28th of October Shopping & museum

On Tuesday we went out to do some shopping. We were back at lunch and brought McDonalds food up to out room. Then we had a little time for relaxing before Kelly arrived and we took 2 taxis to the science and teknologi museum.

Linnea ha a lot of fun testing everything but not all was open. We took the bus back. Probably due to the construction of the Metro the bus drove pass our hotel and we had to walk back a bit. We passed an antique shop and beeing on the look out for a nice wedding present for Linneas (foster) brother and his wife I saw a beautiful red vase with flowers and gold signs on. Kelly helped us to get a good price. There were several things there I could have bought there……

We ended up at McDonalds again for dinner. Kelly then went home and we went back to the hotel, after a stop in the supermarket where we bought a nice winter coat for Linnea for 60 RMB.






The vase – just love it!

2014-11-01 05.58.30










When you are a good customer you get a tiny softice


The view from our room


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