Continuing to write but still having a hard time to publish my posts.
We started early yesterday at 8 am and trove 1 hour to get ourt of town to the highway.
Another hour on the highway to the waterfalls.
It was hard to see the surroundings begause the smog was heay lying over the city and the surrondings. They are building new skyscrabers every where but no one lives there. We passed ghost town after ghost town.
I got the so calle China Throat diseasy – my thorat is so sore and affected by the smog that I fell like have got at cold.
We arrived at the waterfall and could not understand the driver so Henk called Scarlet (Jets assistant who speaks English) and I don´t know why but it was agreed that we should start witlh waterfall no 1 of 4, even though no 3 was the big one you can go behind and that was the most important.
No 1 was beautiful and only a short walk. No. 2 was a walk through a cliffs and water, also very beautiful. There was a famous bridge too. But after more than one hour we had only walked a third of the way, and it would take 2 hours more to walk the rest of the way. But there was an extra excit so we went out and walked 400 m back to the mini van.
Finally we were off to the big waterfall. A map at the entrance showed that the waterfall was far from the entrance. I got very sad since this was what I hade wished to see and my limit of walking was close. My feet and anlces are hurtig badly from all walking. ( more tha 11000 steps in total today too)
We went in and took the escalators down to the river. Went to a bridge and some platforms from where we could see the fall. HUGE! and beautifull.
From the platform you had to walk up many many starirs to go behind the waterfall and I knew I had to stay and wait. Sad and angry over having reached my limit on the 2 less important falls my mom and I waited for Hans, Linnea, Henk and Norah to walk up there and down again.
We looked at some shops on the way out and bought 2 dresses for Linnea and her friend Moa, who also is born in China.
The drive home took almost 3 hours due to traffic jam and road work. They are making a subway here and the traffic is hopeless. When there are 4 lanes there are 7 cars beside each other, when there are 2-3 lanes there are 4 cars beside each other.
Food wise this has not been good. I should say we have been eating 95-100% carbs and the whorst part of them. Sugar and fried potatoes.
We got a bit tired of noodles in Nanning and here they serve fried spicy potatos so that is what lunch has been just potatos. In between we have sugar-nuts, some fried stick with sugar, chips and cookies. Apples and bananas. Dinner had been at Chinese copy of KFC.
Linnea and I both react to this moodvise. I get grumpy and have less patience. She gets “touchy” and sad very easily. Not the best combination.
So we are looking forward to go to the country side tomorrow. We will be at the Giggling tree around lunch time tomorrow China time. In the afternoon we are going to Skype with Linneas class – hope it works. Sadly it has not been to Skype with her friends form here and i Nanning the time difference and us being out all day made it impossible from there.
It has been very exciting to see what Jet & Henk are doing here for the Children. Yesterday a tiny little girl arrived – premature and only skin and bones. We hope she will survive wtih love and caring here.
All the organisations here are doing such a good job helping poor people here in China or helping the orphans. Life is put in a new perspective when you see how little some lives are valued wheather it is animals or children.
This morning we got the new little baby girl that arrived yesterday died during the night. She was with her loving nanny. Life is hard sometimes and our problems fade and seem so small compared to what we expirence here…….
Usch vad tråkigt med den lilla flickan. Och trist för dig att missa att gå bakom det stora fallet. Jag hoppas att ni ändå fått gott ut av Guiyang, som just nu är mina drömmars stad! Rille gillar att du beskriver maten som spicey! Ser fram emot att få se bilder sen! Kramar!
Det hugger lite i hjärtat att läsa om den lilla baby-flickan. Stackars liten. Skönt att hon åtminstone hade en trygg och varm famn sin sista stund i livet.
Det värmer hjärtat att det finns människor som försöker hjälpa.
Tråkigt att du inte orkade följa med till vattenfallet. Bra att du iallafall fick se det.
Hoppas det blir bättre med maten på nästa ställe.
Ja Emma, det gjorde ont men det är livet här nere och det sätter absolut tankerna igång! All dessa barn som liksom är “andra sorteringen” – Speciellt en lite kille född 2006 som i 5 år fått höra han inget var värd. Nu bor han bättre och där jobbar man med hans eget fortroende och på att hitta en egen familj till honom!