29th of October Univercity & Orphanage

Kelly invited us to visit “her” University. 10000 students attends this school. It is huge with lots of buildings, shuttle busses, cafeterias, banks, shops, dormitories, hospital, parks and a lake.

We got to visit Kelly’s room, a classroom and took a ride in a shuttle bus. It was wery intresting to see this.

When we were done and Kelly had to go to classes, we were picked up by the uncle and the family friend. Together we walked to mamma and babas home where we had lunch.

Baba has not been all well, something with his blood pressure, and has been to the hospital, but both on Monday and Wednesday he sneeked out to be with us. We hope he feels better soon.

After lunch we walked to the SWI hospital. When we came to the gate where I was 7 years ago, since Linnea was found at the gate, we just walked on. From the hospital ground we came direct to the orphanage park. Suddenly I saw the main building but now it was squeezed in between several buildings that was not there in 2007.

We continued to walk and came to the building where I met the family back in 2007. Also here lots of new houses was build. In a corner an old Chinese gate was closed. This was the original gate to the orphanage and the hospital and acording to mamma, this was where Linnea was found.

I told Linnea that the important thing was that she was put where she would be found and that she was found.

From the orphanage we walked to a new and beautiful park. Under a roof a woman was selling white sculptures and you could sit down and color them. Both Linnea and I chose a Mingnon. Mine is with us home and Linnea gave hers to mamma and baba.

Then home to the family for dinner and more presents for Linnea. Mormor, Hans and baba drank the lizard wine. Mormor said she wanted to take some of it home.a bottle or 2.

Kelly arrived to translate on our last evening. Later Howard, who translated for Jet & Co. back in 2011 and who put us in contact with Kelly, and his wife came to say hallo. We go some very beautiful chopsticks. It was very nice and kind of them to take time to meet us.

Finally Xiao Huang (the son) came home and we could give them our wedding present. They were very surpprised and liked it a lot.

We took a taxi back and I think it was a dangerous wine Hans and mormor had. They started to sing christmas songs……

Main gate of the University




Dormitrys on both sides. There are houses for only women and only men. At the entrace there is a guard. Kelly had to sign in a book when we visited and Hans was allowed to come along. But then she hade to write when we would leave again.




Walking from the University to the family home the contrasts of China was very obvious




The small street (courtyard) inbetween the houses where the family lives


Here sit men or women and talk or play cards or majhong


The women peel the garlic

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The Orphanage park.


Here is the first picture we got of Linnea








And a similar one 7 years later


The main building – I was here 2007





Finally got a photo of this beautyful butterfly




Park caretaker


Here I met the family 7 years ago. First floor – round windows


The old gate where Linnea was found acording to mamma, now closed because of the buildings behind. They were not there in 2007.



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The new gate


The street leading up to the new gate. Now lots of new houses – back in 2007 it was a constuction site.


Going to the new park







Linnea, her (foster) brother and his wife.


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