Thoughts on a Thursday

Today I have had many thoughts about my job situation and what I should do in the future. I won’t say I have been in a bad mood but not it a good mood either.

In the mail today there was a book I ordered. It’s about families with adoptive children or adults who was adopted as children who travels back to their birth countries and towns.

One family travels to China, Guangxi and to places we are going to visit in October. I look at the pictures in the book and on the internet from Guangxi. I have a hard time understanding that WE are to see all this: High tech modern cities with skyscrapers and huge malls, poor families in the country side, abandoned children (who hopefully will get their own forever family one day) and the breathtaking beauty of the nature! Such big contrasts!

Suddenly it becomes impossible to feel bad or sad. Instead I am overwhelmed with gratitude that I get to go on this adventure with my family!


Nanning by night


A girl from the Guangxi girls program by Hope 4 China’s Children


Guangxi mountains.

2 thoughts on “Thoughts on a Thursday”

  1. Ja skat hvor er vi for jeg siger vi priviligeret at vi sammen skal opleve alt det ! Det sætter vi alle fire stor pris på og glæder os !!! ???????????????????? der skal kun være 4 hjerter kan ikke slette det ene – 1 til os hver. Mange knus fra mig .

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