
I’m sorry but I haven’t got time enough to write this in 2 languages so I chose English!

One year ago on the 31st of august 2007 it was a day of changes! That was the day that we got our finally YES from CCAA in China. No more officials to pass, we then got the last aproval to adopt Xia Sunxue! That was the day we jumped of joy, laughed and cried and new we finally were so close to become parents!

This year the 31st of august also marks some big changes! For me it’s the last day of my maternatyleave, my time with Linnea! A time that has been so different from what I thought it would be and still a time that never will come back.

I’ll look back with gratitude for every minute I spend with my little girl, but also with the memory of the fustration, the tears, the joy and the laughter! I look back trying to remember how it was before our miracle came home, and it seem so far away! Much longer than the 9 years we waited for her! I know there was a life before her, but now I never want to be with out her againg! Ever!

These ten past month seems like a life time! Hard times but somehow LOVE is the keyword! The love that grows each and every day! The wondering HOW did we become this lucky? What more can I wish for? Hans and Linnea make my life complete!

So I’m a bit nervous for tomorrow, the 1st of September 2008! Tomorrow I’ll be going to my new SWEDISH school to meet my fellow students and teachers! I have been studying in Swedish before (my birth language is Danish) but only small courses in subjects I like very much (Webdesign, Layout) and of course the language Swedish. I know I’ve been living in Sweden for 9,5 years but still now it’s not just a course I attend for fun! So wish me luck!

The funny part is that on Friday the 5th we’ll be going to The Technical Museum of Denmark in Elsinore. So I’ll probably be starting the education by helping with the Danish language!?

It also my goal that this education will be a part of the changing Mette! I had lost 20 kg but now I have been eating to much sugar and I have gained 8 kg! 🙁

I’m making a plan how to get better! I wanted to loose 30 kg so I reach 88-89 kg, at the end of the education 2010 maj 28th but now I have changed that to 99 kg I have to be realistic.

In 3,5 years I’m turning 40 years old and the I want to be able to chose how to celebrate my day! For example I sometimes get an enormous desire do dance but I can’t because of my weight.

I’m also getting very confused at times, spinning thoughts in my head not knowing whether I should go right or left! That I also want to get rid of!

I now have 2 love ones to think of – I want to live for a very long time (for ever!!!) with Hans and Linnea!

So as I see it, tomorrow is the first day of the rest if my life! Tomorrow is the start of my changes!

3 thoughts on “Changes”

  1. Mette,

    GOOD FOR YOU!!!!! I am proud of you, my friend. Loosing weight is very hard, I know. Living life to its fullest is even harder, enjoy every minute with that little girl, she is precious and time is precious. We are so blessed to enjoy parenthood. I am watching my little two sleep as the beautiful end of summer day passes by. I will be 51 in three weeks, when I turned 50 I had just picked up Micaela, we enjoyed a wonderful long weekend in Chicago. Now I am facing no job, my job was eliminated by Pfizer and the one job that was there to bid on fell through. So I am at a new beginning also. I finish my masters in four months but I am not sure it will help. I have one more job that I bid on, if that falls through I am done there at PFizer, I will have to rely on God to help me find another. Jobs in America are terrible to find right now.

    God be with you as you enjoy a new chapter in your life.


  2. Nu har du kommit hem från din första dag på utbildningen. Säkerligen var det inte hälften så skräckinjagande som det kändes igår kväll. Själv har jag också en höst med nystart. Jag har bytt arbete, tack och lov, inom kommunen och arbetar nu inom socialtjänsten igen sedan 18/8. Är fortfarande sjukskriven på 50 % men känner mig glad och rätt stark! Det går åt rätt håll. Det här med vikt kan kännas jobbigt. Jag är normalviktigt, enligt BMI, men väger idag 15 kg mer än vad jag gjorde vid maj 2007. Delvis pga att jag då mådde mycket dåligt och hade gått ned i vikt så endel av viktuppgången är normal eller vad jag skall säga (skall alltså inte väga så lite igen) men sedan har jag också gått upp i vikt då viktuppgång tyvärr är en biverkning på de mediciner jag tar. Men gud vad folk skall kommentera min kropp, klappa lite på magen och fråga om vi “skall ha” en till. Tycker inte det är kul alls, tillräckligt trist att inte komma i mer än 15 % av kläderna i garderoben. Lycka till med din nystart, med kärleken och med livet. Må så gott// Lena

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