En vår dag / English / A spring day

I dag har vi upplevt något nytt!!! Linnea och jag var ute och cykla! Vi åkte till ICA och handlade fika: Vatten, små snack morötter och en banan. Sedan åkte vi Möllerödssjön där vi fikade, mysade och gosade (spiste og drak, hyggede os og puttede). Efteråt gick vi ner till vattnet och plaskade, kastade i stenar och pinnar. Det var en jätte mysig förmiddag!

Foto från dagen klicka här

En liten film från i dag klicka här

Foto från dagen vi satte upp nya gungställningen klicka här

Nya kort i Linnea albummet klicka här

Och sedan till min fråga om engelska på sidorna här! Jag har bestämt – efter noga övervägandet tillsammans med Hans att jag skriver båda på engelska och svenska! Så här fortsätter jag på engelska!

We have had a homepage since 2000 I think. Then it was in Danish and about moving to Sweden. Over the years the page changed to be more some kind of newspaper for our relatives and friends back home in Denmark but also for our friends here in Sweden, so the site hade pages in both Danish och Swedish.

Then came the new word, “blog” into our world. We were going to China and wantede to be able to update on the spot. We decided to change the homepage to a blog and just write in one language: Swedish. And so far it has been ok!

But now I feel that there are more and more people out there in the world that I would like to be able to understand what I’m writing. Maybe not everyting but som kind of update.

I have since my early teens had friends around the world I wrote letters to.(Snail mail in those days). Some stoped some became the very best friends.

Lately – after Linnea has got home, and with the wonder of the Internet, we made friends in far parts of the world: China, USA &Scottland and I’m sure some may come and go, but I’m just as sure that some will remain our friends and we will meet some day! You see that’s my wish to meet again or for the first time.

As we love to travel you may prepare your self for a visit some day, but also remember: If you are in the neigbourhood don’t hesitate to visit us we would love it!

So from now on I’ll try to write in both swedish and english, my english is a little rusty but I’ll do my best!

Take care now! Remember I (we) want to meet you some day!

Love Mette

To day Linnea and I went on my bike to the lake. We brougth water, carots and a banana. We had a very nice time sitting closely together looking at the surroundings.
We went down to the water to throw in small stones and branches. Linnea had a very good time!

Photos from to day click here

A small film fron to day: Click here

Photos from the day we put up the swing click here

And new photos in the Linnea album click here!

2 thoughts on “En vår dag / English / A spring day”

  1. I love the website!!! Thank you for letting us see into your world. We hope that some day we can come and see you or you can come and see us. We have a large house and you are welcome to stay with us! Linnea is beautiful. She is just really full of life and I love it. Love the video and the pictures. Keep them coming.

    Love in Christ,

    Karen Wagner

  2. Kære “søndags picnicere” Mette og Linnea.
    Ih hvor blev jeg glad for at se og høre om jeres picnic tur og så på cykel 🙂 – det er nemlig en dejlig måde at komme omkring i naturen på. Det vil jeg også prøve, altså med jer !!
    Men jeg kan da ikke forstå, at du er så vild med at fotografere mormors “lille bisse” – det gør jeg jo aldrig 🙂 hun er bare så skøn !!!!
    Kærlige knus fra mor / mormor

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